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How to edit your Google My Business opening hours - post header image - SiteBites

Your business might have different opening hours at certain times of the year, like over the Easter weekend, Christmas, or just when your favourite football team’s playing at home. (Ahem.) At these times, it’s really important to let your customers know when you’ll be available.

Changing your opening hours on your website is a great start. (Contact us if you’d like any help with that.) But for ultimate professional credibility, you should also add your Special Opening Hours on your Google My Business page, too. These don’t replace your usual hours, but they’re added to your Google Business listing, so everyone knows your holiday availability.

Here are ours, for the upcoming Easter weekend:

Our Easter opening hours on Google My Business

To do this for your own business, it’s really simple.

Step A: Log into your Google My Business account

Step B: Click the pencil icon to edit the Special Hours information.


How to change the Special Hours information on Google My Business


Step C: Add your Special Opening Hours.


How to change the special opening hours

Step D: Click Apply

And you’re all done! You’re now free to look forward to a long weekend sipping martinis in the garden. (Or is that just us?)

If you need any help with this, or with any part of your online marketing, just get in touch. We’d love to help. Until then, enjoy your day(s) off!


Get in touch

Unit 23 Space Business Centre, Molly Millars Lane, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG41 2PQ, UK.

Unit 23 Space Business Centre, Molly Millars Lane, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG41 2PQ, UK.